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Intro to Enneagram

Intro to Enneagram

Enneagram in the perspective of Faith, Hope, and Love

I was honored to be invited by Pastor Greg Brooks in his Redemption Fellowship seminar to discuss Enneagram. This is one of the most useful tools we employ in helping our chaplains in their journey towards pastoral formation and self-awareness. Enneagram is full of wisdom that it will help you discover who you are as person with certain gifts and woundedness. How does your unique individuality or giftedness serve as blessing and at times a curse to self and others? Created in God’s image, we were naturally bearer of faith, hope, love as little children. Waking up in an imperfect world we, at various degrees, lost our freedom to enjoy faith, trust, and love in its fullest sense. Pastor Brooks’ engaging program will cover intro to enneagram and a discussion of each of the 9 types presented in the enneagram wisdom. Here is the first part of the mind-opening series.